Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Enroute Yellowstone

We are ony 200 miles from Yellowstone and will be there for around 4 days. The forecast for the mountains is for snow, so standby for an update sometime this week. It was 37 when we got up this morning and the van had frost on it, Our elevation was 5,000 feet. We have seen snow on the Bighorn Mountains.We have seen deer
( hundreds), antelope and of course cattle and horses. Not many people live here and it is nearly 100 miles between fuel stops, so planning ahead is required. We are in a Sheridan,Wyoming rest area which has free WiFi and  they have let us use the computer to update. Photos will come later.
I have just checked at the information desk and have found that the East  entrance into Yellowstone is not yet open due to an impassable pass. So we will now have to head to Billings, MT ( I had wanted to go there anyway) and then West into Livingston, Mt and then South to come into Yellowstone at the Northwest entrance. One advantage to being early is very little traffic or tourists - however, as I was afraid of, the weather isn't summer time highs either. Right now however it is sunny and warm with the temperature in the high 60"s.

1 comment:

Ms1080p said...

I know you both are having a wonderful time. Keep all your travels safe!