Sunday, April 25, 2010

Milwaukee Art Museum and Discovery Museum

April 23  continued - After we sobered up with some food we headed back downtown to see  the Milwaukee Art Museum and the Discovery Museum. The  museum has movable "wings" which open out during the day as seen in the picture, and close down over the museum roof at night. Spectacular. The other picture shows the exquisite glass "chandelier' done by the Glassblower Chahuly (sp?).  We then explored the Discovery Museum which included a wonderful aquarium.  It got to be late afternoon so we headed back to the Woodards to join them for dinner. After dinner we headed west to spend the night in Madison, Wisconson. We got tickets to see the "Whad Ya Know Show" with Michael Feldman. The two hour show airs on NPR stations. When we arrived we were asked to fill out a card with our name and something about us and hand it to the producer. I said on my card that we were on our way to Alaska on an 11,000 mile trip and this was the second week out. Well we were interviewed on air for over 5 minutes. You can go to to the NPR website and the name of the show for this date and about a half an hour into the show, listen to the interview. It is really a HOOT!!! After the show  ended,and since the weather was really bad, we decided to start the loooong drive toward the Badlands of South Dakota. We crossed the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and how beautiful they are even this far north. The photos we took do not do justice, so they are not included in this site. We have now clocked over 2000 miles and at the 2000 mile mark we were at 2041 feet in South Dakota. The speed limit here is 75 MPH. We are doing 58MPG.
We are in a campground tonight just outside the entrance to the Badlands N.P. It has finally stopped raining and we are hoping to see a spectacular sunset over the craggy peaks just 2 miles away. We have WI-FI thus the updated blog. However we have not had  much  of a cell  signal since we  left Minnesota.  However the laundry is done and we have electric. Tomorrow we will dump and take on water before we explore the Badlands.

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