Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Prince of wales Island

We had a wonderful ferry ride over to Prince Of Wales Island yesterday  afternoon. This is the third largest island in the U.S. with only @ 3000 residents on the entire island. Long stretches with no inhabitants at all. We followed 2 large cruise ships out of the harbor for the first hour. The sun came out and it was so pretty. The water is a beautiful shade of blue. It was very placid and calm so that the trees reflection could be seen in the water. We are amazed at how lush and dense the forests are here. The trees grow right down to the waters edge. The ferry landing is at the head of a small creek and the quonset hut terminal is the only building there. It was drop dead gorgeous coming up the river. I had my ususal front row seat in the observation area on this ferry ride too.
We went into Harris River campground last night. It is a USFS unserviced campground. We have been pleased to find that our National Park Service Golden Age Pass (for us retired people) is also accepted by the USFS so we are able to camp for half price. It was only $4.00 last night. There were only 3 campers there and we were spread out enough  that we thought we had the place to ourselves. The sites were very private and wooded. We could hear the River running behind us. So peaceful. Garry actually slept in until 9:30 this morning. I kept checking to make sure he was breathing because he is usually up at 6! We ate our breakfast out in the SUN sitting at a picnic table. So quiet. We then headed across the island and stopped at a fish  hatchery to take a tour. Delightful people there. We were the first tourists of the season and as I was my usual asking lots of questions self we were there almost 2 hours. It is a 501 coorperation so after the tour I donated some money to them. I am still fascinated by the concept of "fish ladders". We then drove on to Klawock. It is basically a few stores at a crossroads. We looked up one of the men we met on the ferry from Bellingham who has a camper and a boat in Klawock. We will probably head back there for Happy Hour this afternoon and stay the night as he has promised to take Garry fishing in the morning. 

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