Saturday, May 29, 2010

Prince of Wales - Luck Lake May 28

On Friday we left Klawock (reluctantly) and headed toward the North part of the Island. Garry had been told there was good fishing for steelhead at Luck Lake. There was also the possibility of seeing Bear! The road was paved for about 40 miles and then it became gravel. When we hit the turn off to the Lake it became about 20 miles of logging road. Rough! We saw lots of black tailed deer and still lots of eagles. The lake was gorgeous!  Garry didn't have any luck fishing but the Lake was so pretty we decided to just stay there for the night. We were very isolated. we were 9 miles from the nearest town of a few people, no cell phone, ony ham radio of which Garry used to chek in the the Alaska nets during our stay in Alaska. Several locals came by to fish or drink a beer or to take a swimming dip (Cold water 50 degrees) or to smoke some pot. However they all eventually left and we had the place to ourselves last night. We had hoped to see a bear but no luck. There are bear hunters all over the island right now. The deer are having their fawns and the bear love to eat fawns. Boo Hoo!  We had a Halibut dinner last night and then had a campfire on the  beach to watch the sun lower. I would have said sunset but while the sun eventually gets lower about 10:30 PM it never totally gets dark. 

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