Monday, July 19, 2010

July 14 - Homer

Now that I am drugged up for my back we decided to finally take our tour across the Inlet to the small town of Seldovia. Unlike the day before we lucked out with a SUNNY day.  It was a lovely, quaint town. Their claim to fame is Memorial day when they have a Chainsaw Carving competition. Some of the carvings were just wonderful. They have 3 days to finish them from a freshly cut log. We had a nice lunch and walked the town. Wonderful cottages built on pilings over the water. Lovely day and we were back by 6PM.
This was the prize winner this year.

We had been given permission the day before to camp overnight on a vacant lot across from a cute coffee bar and decided to spend another night there.  Tomoorow our friends, Jeff and Marnie Nelson, will be joining us. We are excited to see them.


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