Thursday, July 8, 2010

Seward, Alaska

After the excitement of the 4th we decided to stay put on the 5th. There is a 2 lane road coming and going from Seward. A lot of people were leaving this campground. That  along with untold multitudes leaving all the Seward campgrounds coupled with the fact that it started raining the night of the 4th and was still raining the next day helped us decide to stay in today. I did a lot of sewing and Garry worked on organizing pictures and doing other things with the computer. we tried to call the kids but nobody was answering.
The 6th had the usual Alaska weather - 58 degrees, grey and overcast but at least the rain had stopped.  We got our bikes out again and rode into town. We visited the Alaska Sea Life Center. This is the center that rescues and rehabilitates sea animals and sea birds. They had 2 orphaned baby Harbor seals that were in quartine and were going to be sent to Texas in a week. We were able to observe them in the rehab pool. They also had the cutest baby otter that was being nursed round the clock and that will eventually be on display at the center. We were able to see him  in the rehab center on a video screen .Since they have human contact round the clock they can not be put back in the wild. There was a marvelous Sea Bird aquarium, a huge Sea Lion pool and numerous other fish, Salmon, etc.

This is a beutiful Eider Duck. I loved the colors.

This is a Harlequin Duck.

We had lunch in town and then rode out to the Small Boat Harbor. There were lots of Sailboats here which is different as most of the Harbors we have seen have mostly had Fishing Boats.  We then stopped by the Visitor Center on the way home. While I was inside getting information about the tour we were taking the next day, Garry was approached by a man who stated that Garry looked like a nice guy and the man wanted to vent about an irate customer he had to deal with earlier in the day. Kind of bizarre but turns out he not only ran the Marathan on the 4th but his daughter, Cedar, was the woman who won the ladies race. We had a wonderful time talking with him and got lots of questions answered. We finally pedaled home and were again exhausted.  Another 5 - 6 mile trip. Tomorrow we have a tour out to the Kenai Fjords.

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