Monday, July 19, 2010

July 15 - Homer

Marnie and Jeff joined us today We are staying at the Homer Spit Campground. The Spit is a 4 miles long, and 1000 feet wide. We are right on the water, the sun has come out and the mountains are in view. Jeff and Marnie are wowed by the scenery. We had them over to our camper for  a Salmon dinner.

The next day it was decided that Jeff wanted to fish so we drove back to Soldatna to meet back up with our friends George and Dot.  We are camping again at the Crooked Creek SRS.  At 6PM George picks up  Garry, Jeff and Marnie ( no room for me) and takes them off fishing. I went over to visit with Dot. My back wasn't up for fishing  so I enjoyed quiet time with Dot. I went back to my camper @ 9 and fixed some Clam Chowder with the remainder of the clams that Garry dug up 2 days earlier. The intrepid fishing people arrived back at 10:30 PM and they were exhausted.
COUNT - George caught 3, Jeff got 1, Garry got 2 but 1 was inadvertantly let go by Jeff when he grabbed the net to catch the one that he had gotten accidentally losing the one that Garry had just placed in the net. Marnie was skunked. They all enjoyed the Chowder and then crashed  as they were going out again the next morning at 3 AM!!!! Good Grief!!! I heard Garry getting up and out the door but managed to dooze for another couple of hours. I had just gotten up at 6:30 when they arrived back.
Count - Jeff was skunked; Garry had a stike but it got away and Marnie finally got her Salmon! George again maxed out at 3.   They were exhausted. I had bacon, Marnie had eggs and we both contributed bread for toast and we had breakfast together.

After breakfast we all walked over to say goodbye to Georga and Dot. George had nicely filleted all the Salmon, had shrunk wrapped it and frozen it. Fortunately Jeff and Marnie have a big refrigerator in their camper and were able to put it all in their freezer. We then left for the drive around to Seward.  We had seen this enormous swing in the town of Kasiloff and stopped to have a picture taken.

The 2 sides of the Kenai are very different. There are only mountains to be seen on one side of Homer where in Seward there are mountains on 3 sides. The interior driving from one to the other is very flat and you can't see any mountains. We like Seward much better. We were able to get 2 camping spots at one of the City campgrounds right on the  Ressurection Bay waterfront. Marnie was so excited to see 2 otters at play right in front of the camper.
As the fishermen/woman were so tired I cooked the salmon over at their camper and Garry, at least, was in bed by 8PM. Jeff and Marnie were so happy and excited about their fishing jaunt.

It is raining and 56 degrees today so it was a good day to drive back to Anchorage. We all had errands to do so we went our seperate ways. We are staying in the parking lot at the North Star Inn on the grounds of the Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson Military Post. We will meet back up with Jeff and Marnie tomorrow and head for Denali National Park. Stay tuned.

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