Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Petersburg along the Inside passage - Alaska

First I need to clarify that the object I am holding in our Iceberg/Moose posting from Wrangell is part of the glacier ice that we retrieved. I know it was difficult to figure out. Unfortunately we haven't figured out how to get the pictures where we are talking about them.
We have enjoyed our stay in Petersburg.There are NO stoplights or parking meters in town! Isn't that refreshing. We have walked the Main Street, which is only about 5 blocks long, several times. The last 2 nights we were parked at Sandy Point Beach. Beautiful view out to Frederick Sound. The picture of the arch is of Overlook Point which looks out to the Sound and Devil's Thumb which you can see sticking up in the background of the sound/mountain picture. This morning we took a short hike out to the point. The sun is shining today so we plan on taking a bike ride later.

We are going into a campground tonight so we can plug in, dump out, fill up, do laundry and some other chores. tomorrow we get the ferry again and head to Sitka. That will be a 24 hour passage so we will be out of cell/Internet service until ?????
Garry's thoughts:

This harbor is just beautiful and the water very cold and clear. One can see the bottom at 60 feet.The boats here are seiner, trawlers, dragger and purse seiners and gill netters. The fishing season has yet to begin, even though the King Salmon are running, the state has not allowed any commerical or sport fishing in most areas. There are some open fishing areas, but one needs a boat to catch. The last photo is one I thought neat, two old relics abandon on the shore of the harbor here in Petersburg. This town is a wonderful place, no stop lights, no parking meters, and wonderful people and very friendly.

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