Monday, June 14, 2010

Sitka June 14

After I posted the last blog from the library we realized there was a special program about to be presented here as part of the Sitka Music Festival that is going on now. Garry went off to check emails while I sat amidst about 30 toddlers in their pajamas who came to the library to listen to a bedtime story that was being musically enhanced by Zuill Bailey on the cello. Garry thought it quite humorous but I enjoyed the music and enjoyed watching the kids.
After dinner we walked down to Brown's Beach at the Coast Guard station to try and catch a sunset. We are posting some of the pictures from there. The sun finally appeared briefly around 9:15 PM  and Garry got some interesting shots of the view we have been enjoying. I also had my 5 minutes in the sun as it had been grey and overcast most of the day.  The sunset was actually at 10:14 last night. We walked back up the trail to find that the gate was locked and chained. Apparently we should have been off the beach by 9PM. OOOOPS!!!!! Thankfully it was low tide so we hiked through some brush down  to the beach and crawled over kelp and barnacle encrusted rocks and boulders until we could make it around the end of the chain link fence. It was a bit scary. Afterwards we laughed because the Coast Guard might have had to do a search and rescue right on their own base. Of course noone knew we were there and if it had been hightide we would have been stranded until morning. On an open base who knew they closed off access to the beach at 9 ????

Today we did some shopping and exploring in town. Then this afternoon we went to see a Native Dance repertoire at the Sheet'ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi Clan House and Community Hall. It was interesting. I am beginning to recognize the different totems figures on the regalia.  The original Indian name for Sitka was "Shee-Atika". The dancing was a family affair and there were some children performing too.

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