Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sitka - june 13

We are really enjoying Sitka. Garry came through yesteday - we have gotten permission to park at night by the Sitka U.S.C.G. Air Station. It is interesting that it is an open base (no guard gate) because it is on Indian owned land and they want it kept open. the only thing behind locked gates is the actually helicopter area. We heard a helicopter tale off at 5 this morning for a Search and Rescue mission.  As we were leaving today we saw a seapland up on land. It was interesting to see the wheels on its skds.
Our first stop this morning was to the Alaska Raptor Center. We started talking to one of the volunteers there before we even went inside. She suggested we come back at 2 as we had missed the morning  eagle education program. We took her up on her suggestion and intead took a mile hike from there over to the
Sitka National Historic Park.( I have posted a picture of the warning we saw at the trailhead. We did not see any bears. ) It has a resident   local woodcarver named Tommy Joseph who has designed and made many different totem poles, wooden objects, etc. It was interesting talking to him. Most totems are made out of yellow cedar for their durability. The NPS had a display talking about the 3 nations that "owned" Sitka - The Tlingit, the Russians and the US. Very interesting.

We then hiked back to the Raptor Center. They rescue and try to rehabilitate injured Raptors and like to be able to release those that can live in the wild. We enjoyed the educational program that was presented.  They have many different birds on display that cannot live in the wild.  So we have had a tiring day. It is exhausting having all this fun.
We are back at the library. the view out the window is fabulous. Hopefully we will get some sunny days and can get some good view pictures.

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