Monday, June 21, 2010

FANTASTIC DAY!!!!!!!! June 20

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We were up early and down to the dock to catch a boat ( Captain Cook) for an all day trip up the Tracy Arm Fjord to see the Sawyer Glacier. It is a sunny, beautiful day and we are stoked.  This tour is through Adventure Bound  and the Captains name is Steve. On the way there we saw a pod of Orca Whales, and a  Humpback Whale. There were the most beautiful blue iceburgs at the entrance to Tracy Arm and one of them had 2 Eagles sitting on top.

 This is a true Fjord with a very narrow approach  with gigantic 5000 + feet mountains just in either side of the boat. the depth was 1900 feet right up to the walls and was 900 feet at the head pf the Glacier.  Many waterfalls each one more spectacular that the last. The river had many twists and turns and around each bend was another gotgeous view and scenery. Absolutely breath taking.  There was a tremendous amount of iceburgs  before we got to the final bend for the Glacier and it took Steve quite a while to maneuver the boat through them all.

When we finally made the last turn we all gasped as not only was the Glacier  spectacular but the ice floe field in front of the Glacier was coverd with about 50 harbor seals and their pups. They were so cute and inquisitive. Steve kept some distance away from the colony as they  having their young and he didn't want to disturb them too much. Once he had made his  way to the Glacier he cut the engine and we just drifted. Within 10 minutes we saw the Glacier calving and watched as a chunk of the Glacier fell off making a big splash. Fantastic!!! We were priviledged to see it repeat that process 3 more times while we drifted in the area. It all happens so fast it is hard to get a pictute. We do have one picture showing some of the splash it made. The pictures don't really show the colors well. The left side of the Glacier had the prettiest Blue Ice. We finally had to head back but then Steve took us back along the opposite side of the Fjord and we saw several more gorgeous waterfalls and some flowers growing in the rock. When we got out to the Main Channel we saw a Humpback Whale Breaching!!! Not once but 6!!!! times he jumped completely out of the water and the last time he actually did a somersault! Awesome.

Shortly thereafter we saw another pod of Orca Whales and this one had some babies with it. They were extraordinary too!  As if that wasn't enough we finally saw BEARS!!!!!! along the shore. This has been the best day ever!! I have run out of adjectives/superlatives to discribe what we have seen! It was  a great, great day and the weather was sunny, beautiful and in the 70's. We are exhausted as we didn't get back to the dock until  almost 7PM.  We took over 150 pictures today but we are too tired to download them tonight. We still don't have a great signal so we will try to get todays downloaded tomorrow and get pictures in our blog of the last 2 days. Tomorrow we have another tour scheduled so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Wendy and Steve said...

Your fantastic day was truly a wonder!!! So many beautiful pictures. Amazing!! Loved the bears.